🏋️‍♂️ Athlete 🚴‍♂️ Cyclist 🕉 Meditator 🚫 Minimalist 💼 Entrepreneur 🎸 Guitarist 🤯 Free-thinker 📚 Reader 🌍 World traveler 💻 Digital nomad

Want to know more? See my about page.

Why This Site?

I started this site as a place to publish my book notes. I’ve read hundreds of books over the years and forgotten most of them. I wanted to start getting more out of what I read, and share my work so it can help someone else.

Also, running a business has convinced me to be more deliberate about developing solid habits and productivity routines.

This site exists partly to keep me accountable to my projects and goals, and partly as my little piece of real estate on the Internet.

What Am I Up To?

See my now page.

Want To Get In Touch?

Contact me.